Results for 'Jacqueline Rogério Carrilho Eichenberger'

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    Por uma crítica contempor'nea da educação: Justiça Ambiental e o caso das comunidades quilombolas de Oriximiná. [REVIEW]Vilmar Alves Pereira & Jacqueline Rogério Carrilho Eichenberger - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (1):97-113.
    O presente artigo pretende elucidar questões relacionadas ao pensamento ecológico contemporâneo, antropológico e social relacionado à Ecologia Política e a Justiça Ambiental, assim como, o caso das comunidades de Oriximiná/PA que trazem para o bojo das discussões uma profunda crítica aos paradigmas dominantes do conhecimento ambiental contemporâneo e da própria Educação Ambiental. O estudo confere a importância da investigação sobre o tema já que a ecologia política se estabelece no espaço que é do conflito, da disputa pela reapropriação da natureza (...)
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  2. Entre Hegel e Marx.Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger - 2025 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (2):119-121.
    Presentation to the translation "The Social Question" in French-German cultural exchange: Gans, Marx and the reception of Saint-Simon, by Myriam Bienenstock. Translated by Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger.
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  3. “A ambicionada assimilação do materialismo”: Nietzsche e o debate naturalista na filosofia alemã da segunda metade do século XIX.Rogerio Lopes - 2011 - Cadernos Nietzsche 29.
    This paper compares Nietzsche ́s views on the relationship between philosophical reflection and empirical sciences against the background of some of the debates in the so-called transcendental tradition, in order to characterize his position in terms of a liberal kind of methodological naturalism. Initially, it will be shown that there are some similarities between the debates in the German academic philosophy of the second half of the nineteenth century and the Postquinean contemporary debates on naturalism. I discuss subsequently F. A. (...)
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  4. Por que o cético nao abdica da argumentacao? Notas sobre estratégia e motivação no ceticismo pirrônico.Rogerio Lopes - 2006 - Síntese: Revista de Filosofia 33 (106):213-228.
    This article considers two alternative responses to the question of the motivation behind the suspensive argumentation developed by the Pyrrhonic version of the ancient scepticism and also shows their respective difficulties: a) the therapeutic motivation, that takes the suspension of assent for the condition to reach not only a state of mental tranquillity concerning matters of opinion but also a moderate attitude towards passions; b) the epistemic motivation, which states that the suspension corresponds to the unique possibility to preserve philosophical (...)
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  5. Os riscos de se tentar conferir plena cidadania teórica ao pensamento ético de Nietzsche: uma discussão de "Nietzsche and Contemporary Ethics" de Simon Robertson.Rogerio Lopes - 2022 - Estudos Nietzsche 13 (1):115-140.
    The aim of the present article is to display and debate the main interpretive and philosophical claims defended by Simon Robertson in his Nietzsche and Contemporary Ethics. Robertson presents innovative and stimulating arguments that might interest primarily readers willing to better understand the Nietzschean moral theory and researchers interested in broader issues of contemporary moral theory, particularly in the analytic tradition. The author covers the main debates in the area, taking sides in disputes going on in normative theory, metaethics, moral (...)
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  6. Filosofia e Ciência: Nietzsche herdeiro do programa de Friedrich Albert Lange.Rogerio Lopes - 2011 - In Miguel Angel Barrenechea, Charles Feitosa, Paulo Pinheiro & Rosana Suarez, Nietzsche e as Ciências. 7Letras. pp. 13-29.
    The first part of my paper offers a brief characterization of what I call the non-hegemonic tradition of interpretation of Nietzsche's metaphilosophical program. In the second part, I suggest some small adjustments in the main argument of this tradition of interpretation. In general terms, the non-hegemonic tradition can be characterised by the claim that Nietzsche is a legitimate heir of the metaphilosophical programme first formulated by Friedrich Albert Lange in his ˜History of Materialism and Critique of its Significance for the (...)
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  7. Editorial Dossiê Nietzsche & Kant.Rogerio Lopes - 2013 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 128 (Dez/2013):281-285.
  8. A Catástrofe do Humanismo: agonismo e perfeccionismo em Nietzsche.Rogerio Lopes - 2013 - In Ruy Carvalho, Gustavo Costa & Thiago Mota, Nietzsche - Schopenhauer Ecologia Cinza Natureza Agônica. pp. 297-331.
    Embora não o desenvolva na exposição que se segue, o argumento subjacente à minha contribuição para este volume é bastante simples: há duas vias pelas quais a filosofia de Nietzsche pode contribuir positivamente para uma revisão do modo como os seres humanos no ocidente definiram sua relação com o não humano: (1) a primeira via é a agonística – a tese agonística pode ser mobilizada para combater o viés especista que caracteriza boa parte da reflexão normativa do ocidente sem que (...)
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  9. O intérprete gentil: saudação ao amigo André Itaparica por ocasião de seus cinquenta anos.Rogério Lopes - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (1):149-164.
    Resumo: Este artigo é uma homenagem à trajetória de André Itaparica na pesquisa Nietzsche brasileira. Feita de um ponto de vista sobretudo pessoal, esta homenagem não poderia deixar de mencionar algumas das virtudes que se sobressaem em seu trabalho e que no meu entendimento conferem exemplaridade às suas contribuições para os estudos Nietzsche no Brasil. Entre essas virtudes destaco por fim a gentileza, que curiosamente não costuma figurar no catálogo das virtudes intelectuais. O trabalho de André Itaparica é um convite (...)
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    John Maynard Keynes and The Royal Swedish Academy.Rogério Arthmar & Michael McLure - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (5):605-622.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines John M. Keynes’s relationship with Gustav Cassel and Eli Hecksher and puts together the events related to his being awarded the 1939 Söderström Gold Medal by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The correspondence between these economists during the interwar years is detailed, with emphasis on their personal approaches to economic theory and history. Cassel’s and Heckscher’s critical reviews of Keynes’s General Theory are outlined as well. Lastly, an account is provided of the grounds for conferring the (...)
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    A Teoria da Sociedade Civil-Burguesa de Hegel.Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 32 (32):207-226.
    Texto originalmente publicado em HORSTMANN, R-P. “Hegels Theorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft”. In: SIEP, Ludwig, G. W. F. Hegel: Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. De Gruyter. pp. 189-208 (2016).
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  12. Filosofia como forma de vida: o embate com o ceticismo moderno.Rogério Lopes - 2017 - Cadernos Nietzsche 38 (3):125-180.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the way in which Pascal reacts to Montaigne’s attempt of recovering the ancient conception of philosophy as a way of life by reworking certain elements he borrowed from the sceptical tradition will have a considerable impact on the similar philosophical project Nietzsche tries to develop in his so-called middle period works (section III of this paper). Nietzsche’s starting point is the diagnosis that the crisis of Christianity in Early Modern Europe did (...)
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  13. Há espaço para uma concepção não moral da normatividade prática em Nietzsche?: notas sobre um debate em andamento.Rogério Lopes - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 33:89-134.
    This paper is divided into three sections. The purpose of the first section is to show how the search for an alternative conception of practical normativity by contemporary moral philosophers keeps affinities with Nietzsche's attempt to overcome morality in the nineteenth century. In the second section, I assess the merits and limitations of Brobjer's attempt to affiliate Nietzsche with the ancient Greek tradition of virtue ethics. In the third section, I present the different motivations behind Nietzsche's critique of the moral (...)
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  14. Methodologischer Naturalismus, epistemische Tugenden und Normativität bei Nietzsche.Rogerio Lopes - 2011 - In Helmut Heit, Günter Abel & Marco Brusotti, Nietzsches Wissenschaftsphilosophie: Hintergründe, Wirkungen und Aktualität. de Gruyter. pp. 59--113.
    Ziel meines Aufsatzes ist es, die Frage zu stellen, ob die Art und Weise, wie Nietzsche sich auf das Verhältnis zwischen Philosophie und Wissenschaft bezieht, mithilfe des zeitgenössischen methodologischen Naturalismus beschrieben werden kann. Leiter (2009) hat diese Frage mit einem entschiedenen Ja beantwortet, ohne jedoch die Spannungen, die eine solche Antwort mit sich bringen, ausführlich zu diskutieren. Zumindest aus zwei Gründen scheint die Philosophie Nietzsches sich mit der stärkeren Version des methodologischen Naturalismus nicht so leicht in Einklang bringen zu lassen: (...)
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  15. Der normative Minimalismus als die verteidigungsfähigste Version von Nietzsches Amoralismus.Rogério Lopes - 2011 - In Volker Caysa & Konstanze Schwarzwald, Nietzsche - macht - größe. Nietzsche - philosoph der größe der macht oder der macht der größe? deGruyter. pp. 131-144.
    In this paper I intend to identify the kind of Amoralism Nietzsche is arguing for in his writings of the middle period. In the first part of the paper, I focus on the presuppositions as well as on the motivation underlying this version of the amoralist position. Nietzsche diagnoses a normative conflict between intellectual integrity and the metaphysical presuppositions of our moral vocabulary and practices. This diagnosis leads him to the conclusion that we should reform a substantive part of our (...)
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    Avaliação Educacional e a Representação Conceitual Do Exame Nacional Do Ensino Médio (Enem).Rogério Rodrigues - 2023 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 28:023016.
    Este ensaio busca analisar a representação conceitual do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) para além do senso comum. Assim, o nosso objetivo geral é discutir a interface da avaliação educacional e as políticas públicas. _Para tanto, busca se _compreender os determinantes impostos na representação conceitual do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) como modelo de gestão do espaço escolar. _Isso se apresenta como forma de romper com a hegemonia que se encontra presente no senso comum do ENEM apenas como (...)
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    O papel de Tomás de Aquino no universo “científico” do século XIII.Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):956-975.
    Estas reflexões têm como finalidade mostrar as aporias e dificuldades que afetaram, de maneira essencial, as diferentes tentativas de se erigir uma “ciência da religião” e, mais especificamente, de se lerem “cientificamente” os dados da fé, ou da revelação. Esta é a razão pela qual damos uma atenção especial ao século XIII e, principalmente, ao papel de Tomás de Aquino, quando se intensificaram de maneira mais explícita as relações, e os conflitos, entre a ciência, a filosofia e a teologia. Certo, (...)
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    Memória, catástrofe e narrativas da dor: Primo Levi, Riobaldo e os fantasmas na experiência do trauma.Rogério Borges & Gustavo Castro - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (1):106-124.
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  19. Matizes do “Amarelo”: a génese dos discursos sobre os orientais no Brasil.Rogério Dezem - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Das Ende des Menschen?: Wege durch und aus dem Transhumanismus.Ariane Eichenberg & Christiane Haid (eds.) - 2020 - Dornach: Verlag am Goetheanum.
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    Ein politisch-ökonomischer Blick auf Diskurse: Kooperativ beim Aperitif – mit Interessen zum Essen.Reiner Eichenberger - 1996 - Analyse & Kritik 18 (2):225-244.
    Cooperative discourse procedures produce consensual siting proposals for NIMBY-projects-but only if these proposals do not affect the final siting decision. Then, the members of the discourse commissions stay independent and face few incentives to pursue consequentialist interests. However, the more influential discourse procedures become, the stronger the interest groups’ incentives are to take advantage of them. Thus, cooperative discourses turn into competitive, interest-centred procedures whose outcome is rejected by the less influential groups. The evolution of discourse procedures into functionally specialized (...)
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  22.  15
    Kommunist, Häretiker, Rebell: Mazdak und die Religionsgeschichtsschreibung.Linda Eichenberger - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 28 (2):237-258.
    ZusammenfassungDie moderne Religionsgeschichte hat Mazdak, Anführer einer sozioreligiösen Reformbewegung im Sasanidenreich, auf divergierende Weise konzeptualisiert. Insbesondere die diskrepanten Quellenhinweise auf angeblich von Mazdak geforderte Frauen- und Gütergemeinschaften eröffneten Spielraum, eigene, zumeist anachronistische und somit problematische Vorannahmen in Bezug auf das Verhältnis von sogenannten ‚sozialen‘ und ‚religiösen‘ Faktoren der Reformbewegung zu projizieren. Die in Bezug auf Mazdak besonders deutlich hervortretende Problematik nachträglicher Zuschreibungen und narrativer Überlagerungen unterstreicht die grundsätzliche Notwendigkeit, Forschungsgeschichte und Begrifflichkeiten konsequent zu historisieren, und schliesst damit an die übergeordnete (...)
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    O conceito de "raça" em Nietzsche.Rogerio Lopes & Daniel Melo Soares - 2024 - Estudos Nietzsche 15 (2):76-104.
    This article aims to reconstruct the concept of “race” in Nietzsche's work, particularly in his late writings. We seek to test the hypothesis that Nietzsche attempted to reform the concept of race to overcome the descriptive and normative shortcomings of classical racialist theories, by making the notion (a) descriptively more accurate and (b) better suited to his normative agenda. Tosituate Nietzsche's views within a purely abstract space of conceptual possibilities, the first section outlines two contemporary approaches in the philosophy of (...)
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    A busca pela verdade no crátilo: Naturalismo E convencionalismo na concepção platônica.Rogério Santos dos Prazeres, Me José Moacir de Aquino & Dr Heitor Romero Marques - 2013 - Revista de Teologia 7 (11):99-107.
    Este texto trata de um clássico da filosofia platônica, o Crátilo. Redigido em forma de diálogo, característico do estilo platônico de escrita, nele está distinta a supervenção de uma das grandes temáticas da filosofia contemporânea, isto é, a linguagem, em que se traz à tona a discussão sobre a adequação de um nome a um objeto, também conhecido coma a justeza do nome à coisa. Figuram-se como questões centrais as teses do naturalismo e convencionalismo, que estruturam o que se entende (...)
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    A crítica cristã ao prazer epicureu.Rogério Lopes Santos - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67).
    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar e analisar as críticas e deturpações promovidas pelos Padres Apologistas acerca da Filosofia de Epicuro, mais especificamente a parte dessa Filosofia relativa à fruição dos prazeres. Para tanto, elegemos aqui quatro dos vários Padres Apologistas que criticaram e deturparam a Filosofia de Epicuro, a saber: Tito Flávio Clemente, mais conhecido como Clemente de Alexandria; Justino de Nablus ; Ambrósio Aurélio e Jerônimo de Estridão.
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    Tugendhat e a Fundamentação Antropológica da Sem'ntica Formal.Rogério Vaz Trapp - 2013 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 5 (9):141-157.
    O artigo objetiva demonstrar que a Semântica formal, enquanto campo de articulação entre Lógica e Ontologia, exige sua fundamentação em uma Antropologia. Para isso, será necessário demonstrar que Tugendhat conduz a Semântica formal ao modo de fundamentação da Fenomenologia de Heidegger, por meio dos estados-de-ânimo. Para tanto, partiremos da distinção entre fundamento relativo e absoluto, introduzida nos primeiros capítulos das Lições Introdutórias à Filosofia Analítica da Linguagem, com a finalidade de demonstrar que a dimensão semântica da filosofia de Tugendhat somente (...)
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  27. Stephanie Baumann, Marie-Ange Maillet (eds.): Aufklärung – Hegel – Vormärz: Reisen in die Ideengeschichte.Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger - 2025 - Filozofia 80 (1):137-140.
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  28. Dereguliert, Liberalisiert und Globalisiert die Politik. Ein Politischökonomischer Reformvorschlag.Reiner Eichenberger - 1999 - Studia Philosophica 58:99-121.
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  29. What is it for a Machine Learning Model to Have a Capability?Jacqueline Harding & Nathaniel Sharadin - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    What can contemporary machine learning (ML) models do? Given the proliferation of ML models in society, answering this question matters to a variety of stakeholders, both public and private. The evaluation of models' capabilities is rapidly emerging as a key subfield of modern ML, buoyed by regulatory attention and government grants. Despite this, the notion of an ML model possessing a capability has not been interrogated: what are we saying when we say that a model is able to do something? (...)
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  30. Catharine Trotter Cockburn on the virtue of atheists.Jacqueline Broad - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):111-128.
    In her Remarks Upon Some Writers (1743), Catharine Trotter Cockburn takes a seemingly radical stance by asserting that it is possible for atheists to be virtuous. In this paper, I examine whether or not Cockburn’s views concerning atheism commit her to a naturalistic ethics and a so-called radical enlightenment position on the independence of morality and religion. First, I examine her response to William Warburton’s critique of Pierre Bayle’s arguments concerning the possibility of a society of virtuous atheists. I argue (...)
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    Selected Letters From Pliny the Younger's Epistulae: Commentary by Jacqueline Carlon.Jacqueline Carlon - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This anthology offers a comprehensive introduction to Pliny the Younger's Epistulae for intermediate and advanced Latin students, with the grammatical, lexical, and historical support to enable them to read quickly and fluidly. As the only selection of the letters with extensive commentary, it provides instructors with a unique and complete resource for students.ABOUT THE SERIESThe Oxford Greek and Latin College Commentaries is designed for students in intermediate or advanced Greek or Latin. Each volume includes a comprehensive introduction. The placement, on (...)
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    Bessere Politik dank Deregulierung des politischen Prozesses.Reiner Eichenberger - 2001 - Analyse & Kritik 23 (1):43-60.
    Today political competition and thus the politicians’ incentives to cater for the citizens’ preferences are weakened by protectionist regulations aiming at the politicians’ origin, their incomes and the ‘production process of politics’. This paper suggests abolishing these regulations and institutionalizing an open, international market for politics. Foreign as well as profit-seeking ‘policy producers’ should be allowed to run directly for office without nominating specific individuals. This enables a policy supplier to become active in several countries and jurisdictions and thus to (...)
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    Keynes à luz de Hegel.Hernandez Vivan Eichenberger - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    O presente texto analisa o conceito de “keynesianismo” elaborado por Geoff Mann e investiga a sua pertinência no que diz respeito a Hegel. São oferecidos alguns aprofundamentos que corroboram a adequação do conceito a partir das preocupações de Hegel em torno da pobreza, da plebe e de suas concepções econômicas mais gerais. Por fim, é discutido o quanto a abordagem de Mann contribui para se compreender a especificidade do pensamento político de Hegel e como a noção de Estado de Bem-Estar (...)
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  34. Special issue: Third-wave feminism.Jacqueline N. Zita - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3).
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    Alpha & Omega: "Parker's Back" and O'Connor's Farewell to Satire.Jacqueline A. Zubeck - 2013 - Renascence 65 (5):381-398.
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  36. What is AI safety? What do we want it to be?Jacqueline Harding & Cameron Domenico Kirk-Giannini - manuscript
    The field of AI safety seeks to prevent or reduce the harms caused by AI systems. A simple and appealing account of what is distinctive of AI safety as a field holds that this feature is constitutive: a research project falls within the purview of AI safety just in case it aims to prevent or reduce the harms caused by AI systems. Call this appealingly simple account The Safety Conception of AI safety. Despite its simplicity and appeal, we argue that (...)
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  37. Operationalising Representation in Natural Language Processing.Jacqueline Harding - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Despite its centrality in the philosophy of cognitive science, there has been little prior philosophical work engaging with the notion of representation in contemporary NLP practice. This paper attempts to fill that lacuna: drawing on ideas from cognitive science, I introduce a framework for evaluating the representational claims made about components of neural NLP models, proposing three criteria with which to evaluate whether a component of a model represents a property and operationalising these criteria using probing classifiers, a popular analysis (...)
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    States of Fantasy.Jacqueline Rose - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Jacqueline Rose argues for an expansion of the new boundaries of `English', and for the importance of psychoanalysis to the understanding of our literary and historical lives.
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    Staatsfähigkeit: Lenzburger Rede gehalten am 20. September im Rittersaal Schloss Lenzburg.Kurt Eichenberger - 1992 - Aarau: Sauerländer.
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    From the FMA to MLF: A Testimony about the Beginnings of the Movement for the Liberation of Women.Jacqueline Feldman - 2009 - Clio 29:193-203.
    The group Féminin Masculin Avenir was founded in autumn 1967. It took part in the events of May 68, and subsequently became Féminisme Marxisme Action. It then dissolved into the women¹s liberation movement (MLF) when the latter started in 1970. Le groupe Féminin Masculin Avenir s’est constitué dès l’automne 1967. Il a participé aux événements de mai 68, devenant alors Féminisme Marxisme Action. Il s’est ensuite dissous dans le Mouvement de libération des femmes lorsque celui-ci a éclaté en 1970.
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  41. cThis Lyf en Englyssh Tunge': Translation Anxiety in Late Medieval Lives of St Katherine Jacqueline Jenkins.Jacqueline Jenkins - 1995 - Speculum 70:822-64.
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  42. Communicative Philosophies: Editor’s Introduction.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2025 - Philosophies 10 (1):21.
    This Special Issue of Philosophies, entitled “Communicative Philosophies”, intends to push our philosophical reflections into the direction of the embodied realities lived and enacted as we engage in the communicative processes of thinking, feeling, and acting [...].
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  43. Schleiermacher's Christology Revisited: A Reply to his Critics.Jacqueline Mariña - 1996 - Scottish Journal of Theology 49 (2):177-200.
    This article refutes Barth's criticisms of Schleiermacher's Christology/.
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  44. Educating Citizen-Scholars : Interdisciplinary First-Year Seminars at the University of Guelph.Jacqueline Murray - 2016 - In James Arvanitakis & David J. Hornsby, Universities, the citizen scholar and the future of higher education. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  45. AI language models cannot replace human research participants.Jacqueline Harding, William D’Alessandro, N. G. Laskowski & Robert Long - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2603-2605.
    In a recent letter, Dillion et. al (2023) make various suggestions regarding the idea of artificially intelligent systems, such as large language models, replacing human subjects in empirical moral psychology. We argue that human subjects are in various ways indispensable.
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    Movement Kinematics and Interjoint Coordination Are Influenced by Target Location and Arm in 6-Year-Old Children.Leia B. Bagesteiro, Rogerio B. Balthazar & Charmayne M. L. Hughes - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  47. Is it ever morally permissible to select for deafness in one’s child?Jacqueline Mae Wallis - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):3-15.
    As reproductive genetic technologies advance, families have more options to choose what sort of child they want to have. Using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), for example, allows parents to evaluate several existing embryos before selecting which to implant via in vitro fertilization (IVF). One of the traits PGD can identify is genetic deafness, and hearing embryos are now preferentially selected around the globe using this method. Importantly, some Deaf families desire a deaf child, and PGD–IVF is also an option for (...)
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    Reflecting Subjects: Passion, Sympathy, and Society in Hume's Philosophy.Jacqueline Anne Taylor - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Jacqueline Taylor presents an original reconstruction of Hume's social theory, which examines the passions and imagination in relation to institutions such as government and the economy. She goes on to examine Hume's system of ethics, and argues that the principle of humanity is the central concept of Hume's Enlightenment philosophy.
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    O avesso do bordado: doxa, razão, Eros e retórica no Fedro.Rogério Gimenes de Campos - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-27.
    Mostraremos como o Fedro de Platão é um terreno atípico, cujo léxico e alguns conceitos são flutuantes dentro do próprio diálogo, dificultando comparações lexicais com outros diálogos. Nosso ensaio mostrará a flutuação e a inversão de valores desse léxico-conceitual no próprio Fedro, tomando como exemplo quatro termos chave: doxa, razão, Eros e retórica. Consideraremos o caráter metodológico e epistemológico que a comparação lexical entre diálogos implica, tomando o Fedro como exemplo cujo bordado, comparado aos demais diálogos, sempre parece às avessas. (...)
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  50. Relativismo e Absolutismo.Guilherme Gräf Schüler & Rogério Passos Severo - 2020 - Cognitio-Estudos 17 (2):293-296.
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